Thursday, October 3, 2013

7) "A picture of something/someone who has the biggest impact on you", or, Impact is indubitably influential. Indeed.

This is a difficult one because it says "someone" (singular).  Instead, I'll mention the most significant "someones" in my life.  My parents.

My parents have had the biggest impact on my life.  They created me and cared for me and significantly shaped me into who I am today.  I'm very grateful for the way they went about it.  I'm grateful for the values they taught me and the skills they helped me develop.

One of those skills is reading.  Literacy is one of the greatest gifts and perhaps the 'something' that has had the biggest impact on me.  Because of its connection and use in so many areas of life, reading easily climbs high on the list of influential somethings in my life.

Think of how often you use your skills of reading or writing - obviously we use them for reading books and writing research papers, but we also use those skills when shopping and reading labels or when we write to-do lists and brainstorm ideas.  Even searching for an entertaining video on youtube would be difficult without knowing how to read and write.  You're using your blessed literacy skills right at this very moment.  As am I…isn't that interesting?  I'm sitting here writing…I'm writing this blog post right now.  And you, when you're reading it, you're reading it right now.  But those two 'nows' are different.  Even though now means…now.  …hmmm

My mom and dad have taught me so much.  They've taught me to be kind and respectful, to be industrious, to love.  They've taught me to learn and to value learning.  They've taught me to love good music and they've taught me how to create music.  They've helped me emotionally, socially, mentally, spiritually, physically, academically, and always lovingly.  All these things they've taught me by example.  They have shown me how to live and how to appreciate life.

I'm very grateful for my parents.  They have, without a doubt, had the biggest impact on me.  I love them very much!

[This is post 7 of 30 blog writing prompts.  To see the entire list with links to the individual posts, click here.]

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